Your dream of having a pool installed has finally come true and you are ready to dive into the refreshing, clear water. Eager and excited, you start calling around to see who has the best price on pool installation. STOP! Much more goes into pool installation than just getting the lowest price. An experienced pool company will work with you to create a pool that not only fits your budget but also fits the needs of your family and is aesthetically pleasing to your landscape.
Schedule A Consultation
The pool company should be willing to come out to your home and examine the area where you want the pool installed. A reputable pool builder will let you know if your design idea will work with your space or if obstacles such as septic tanks and underground pipelines are going to be in the way. Another important consideration is homeowner association rules. Just because your backyard is 20 feet by 40 feet, that does not mean you can install a pool that large.
Your consultation should also include an in-depth interview with your family. What are you looking for in a pool? A lap pool is very different from one designed for entertaining and parties. What additional features would you like? Slides, spas, diving boards, and jets all add time and price to the installation. Make sure the consultant sketches out the proposed design so you can see how it will look in your backyard.
The composition of the pool will also be important to discuss. Pre-formed fiberglass pools are installed in a different way than custom-built cement pools. The decking, tile, or concrete around the pool needs to be considered as well. What will look the best in your backyard and fit the needs of your family?
Be Prepared For Construction
Realize that the construction will take a reasonable amount of time. Be prepared to be slightly inconvenienced during this time. Heavy equipment will be moving onto your property. Things might get muddy. Window glass might get dusty. The noise might be bothersome. Your electricity will need to be turned off as the final wiring is completed. You might need to move storage sheds or swing sets. All of these inconveniences are very minor, but if you think that the pool will be completely installed in one day you are being unrealistic.
Hire A Pool Care Company Or Take A Class
Taking care of a pool requires specialized knowledge of chemicals and water flow. For best results, hire a pool care company. Most pool installers also offer aftercare or can recommend a pool technician. If you would rather do it yourself, make sure you learn as much as you can. Some pool companies offer pool care classes for homeowners.
Hire A Landscaping Contractor
Your pool company probably suggested some landscaping options during your initial consultation. These are ideas to help your pool fit into your landscape naturally. But remember, the pool company does not always do the landscaping. You may need to hire landscape laborers to install plants, trees, and rock features. You can also choose to do it yourself.
Secure Your Pool Area
In most states, you are required to secure the pool with some type of fencing and a locked gate, so children cannot enter accidentally. A wooden privacy fence around the entire yard might be your best option if you want privacy while you swim and sunbathe. You might prefer a chain link fence that surrounds just the pool. It is a matter of personal opinion, but remember to budget for it when planning the pool installation.
Choose A Contractor With A Great Reputation
Before making your final decision, ask for references. A high-quality pool contractor will provide you with a list of references and photos of other jobs they have completed. Contact the customers and ask what went well and what was a problem. The more you know ahead of time, the fewer surprises you will have while your pool is being installed.
Contact us to schedule your pool installation experience. We are professional, bonded, and have been in the pool business for years. Not only will we custom design a pool to fit your family’s needs, but we will work with you to create a beautiful backyard.